'Walking Dead' Producers Defend Their Show's Violence Against Children
Gene Page/AMC
Creator Robert Kirkman and exec producer Greg Nicotero talk with THR about Sunday's midseason premiere.
[Warning: This story contains spoilers from episode 609, "No Way Out," the midseason premiere of AMC's The Walking Deadand the comic book series the show is based on.]
AMC's The Walking Dead delivered a gut-punch of an episode with Sunday's midseason premiere, during which three key characters were brutally killed off and another untouchable figure had his eye shot out.
The episode saw Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge), as well as her two young sons, killed off during the group's attempt to make it out of Alexandria during the massive walker invasion. Clearly not everything went according to plan, as Jessie's young son Sam (Major Dodson) freaked out after seeing a boy his age having been turned into one of the undead.