Ryan Reynolds Reveals a Young Cancer Patient Was the First to See 'Deadpool'

Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

In a Facebook post, the actor shared that he had screened the film for a young boy at a hospital in Edmonton, Alberta six weeks prior to the film's release.

Deadpool is shattering box office expectations, but before the film’s release, Ryan Reynolds gave a young cancer patient the chance to see the film before anyone else.

Reynolds recently revealed on his Facebook account that about six weeks ago, he screened his film for Connor McGrath, a young boy under hospitalization in Edmonton, Alberta who happens to be a big fan of the Marvel superhero, who is diagnosed with late-stage cancer in the film. After Deadpool undergoes a special experiment, he ends up with special healing powers.

Reynolds posted a photo with McGrath stating: “This is my friend, Connor McGrath. He's quite possibly the biggest ‪#‎Deadpool fan on earth. He was also the first person ever to see the Deadpool film. Like Wade Wilson, Connor's trying to put cancer in his rearview mirror.”

And for those wondering what McGrath thought of the film, Reynolds added: "Of course, theDeadpool was right up his alley because Connor's the funniest, potty-mouthed Canadian mercenary I've ever met.”
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