Night S ex! 6 reasons why bedtime loving is the best

S ex is one of the most important ways to connect with your partner. You should explore each other’s s ex uality to see what works for you both.
Often times, couples might fall into the routine of having s ex in specific times of the day, but are there added perks to night time s ex?
Naija queen lists 5 reasons why bed-time love is the best one.
1. Better sleep: S ex has been known to help people sleep better. If for some reason, you are too wound-up to sleep or find it difficult to fall asleep, it’s time you turned to your partner and get some active bedroom time in. Couples who do this regularly find that sleep comes much easier after s ex.
2. Relieves stress: Everyday life can be stressful. You and your partner had so much  to do and lots of responsibilities/expectations. Ending the day with s ex can help relieve some of this stress, thus leaving you feeling light as air and less uptight.
3. Helps you reconnect: As mentioned above, your days might be filled with so much to do that it might be a bit difficult to reestablish your intimacy with each other all day. Relationships often fizzle when one partner feels unloved so it is important to reaffirm your love from each other from time to time and night time s ex can be the best way to do this.
4. Unpredictable mornings: Sure, morning s ex can be pretty cool too, but you can never be too sure you will have the time. Plus, the stress of worrying about all the things you have to do that day might dim the appeal. Why not get it on at the end of the day when it is more likely.
5. End on a high note: S ex is the best, most amazing ending for most situations, so why not end the day this way too. No matter your troubles, you deserve to go to bed feeling satiated and hopeful – a few of the health benefits of s ex.
6. Better morning: Night s ex is not just about enjoying your end of the day, it also goes a long way towards helping you wake up the next morning feeling good. Bedtime s ex means a relaxing sleep and less stress, both of which will make you feel so much better and more alive the next day.
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